But not today - gycbydineshaneja

But not today

Date 19 October 2023 / Category Behavioural Finance

Check below 10 statements. If any one of these or more sounding familiar to you, then you have reason to worry.

1.Someday, I will tell my spouse / family members about all my investments and insurance. But not today.

2.Someday, I will find some time to store all my online credentials (e.g., passwords, PINs) in a better and safer way for my digital wellbeing. But not today.

3.Someday, I will make sure that all my data (be it in laptop or phone) is properly backed-up and synced through some cloud service. But not today.

4.Someday, I will gather all necessary information about my investment / insurance and put it in one place. But not today.

5.Someday, I will take some time out to meet my financial advisor to discuss / implement necessary steps for my financial wellbeing. But not today.

6.Someday, I will top-up my health insurance cover, as there are changes in my lifestyle and health status. But not today.

7.Someday, I will start / increase my SIP investment to achieve some of my financial goals. But not today.

8.Someday, I will start working on some better diet plan or some daily physical exercise. But not today.

9.Someday, I will make some investment in myself - maybe for my career growth or for nurturing a hobby / passion. But not today.

10.Someday, I will find a way to spend more time with my family. But not today.